Booking Appointments

When booking an appointment, you have a choice to use a Template or not to use a template. A template will prefill all the information about the appointment such as duration, appointment, title, description and location. If you find yourself booking similar appointments frequently, it can be a good idea to use templates. If you are creating an appointment without a template, then you will have to create all the things a template would pre-fill. This can be good if you are booking just a one-off type of appointment.

Appointment Colors

Appointment colors are used to help you differentiate between different appointment types on the Calendar page as well as on your Google Calendar

Choosing a Template
When you want to book an appointment, this is the first page you will see. Select the option on the left if you want to enter all the information about your appointment manually. The farthest on the right will always be the option to create a new template for your appointments. Anything in between will be for your Templates. For this example, we will choose the example template of "4 week call".
When you chose the appointment you want to book, you will load onto the booking page. The first thing you should do is search for your client. As you type, clients will be recommended for you as shown below. Find the client you want and then press the "Add" button.

Please note if you are using a template, only clients who fit the right "Client Type" of your template will be recommended. When your client your searching for isn't coming up, double check you have the right status set for either the template or the client. If you aren't using a template, you will search through all clients and leads.
Below you can now see that the information has been all added to the page based on the template and client that was selected. All information about the client is on the left side of the page and details about the appointment on the right. The last thing to do is to add any missing details.

The date will always be missing, so you will need to fill that in. You can press the calendar button on the side of the input box to make it easier. If you are adding a lead with missing details like shown in the example, you will also need to fill those in. If you do not have these details, just put a placeholder in. If your template you used is recurring then this will be shown at the bottom of the Appointment Details. If the template used is not recurring, or you're not using a template, you can still add recurring settings to it.

Once you are happy with everything, just press "Confirm Booking", and it will be booked.