Creating a New Invoices

Creating invoices and subscriptions is made easy for you. All you need to do is search for the client and the product and your already half way there.

Adding Client and Product
See the image below which shows how you create the invoice. You must add both a client and one product. If you wish to add numerous products, this can be done in the next step.
Create invoice page
Create Invoice Page
The image below shows the page you will see once you have added your client and product on the page before. Here you have a lot more options to customise. At the top of thr page, you will see all the information about the client and the email that the invoice will be sent to.

At the bottom of the page, you will see all the items on the invoice and the information about them. The products will always default to a quantity of 0 and must be filled out before moving onto the next step.

At the bottom of this page are the buttons for your next steps. If you press "Send Invoice", the invoice will be emailed to the client to the email shown on your invoice page. Once the invoice is sent, you will also have access to the QR codes and Quick Links to speed up the time for you to get paid for this invoice. Press "Save as Draft" to save the invoice as a draft ready for you to come back to later and finish off. Or press "Cancel" to disregard any of the information you have entered.
The page containing all the information about the invoice
Adding More Products
When you press the "Add Product" button in the image above, this pop up will show. Here you can search for the extra product you wish to add to the invoice. Please note that products that you have created that are subscriptions will not show here as they cannot be combined onto the same invoice. Once you press the add button at the bottom of this pop up, it will be added to your invoice. Again, it will default to a quantity of 0 and must be added before moving on.
Pop up to add an extra product to the invoice