Client Nutrition

We integrate with FatSecret which allows your client to enter what they eat into a mobile app which you can then visualise in their profile.

If you have not yet set up a connection request to your client to view their nutrition stats, you will be met with the screen below:

Awaiting consent
The first button will email your client with the instructions they need to configure the integration. The second button will save the link to your clipboard ready for you to paste in a message to your client.
Need consent page
Editing The Details

Upon successful integration configuration by your clients, all the nutritional data they log on the app becomes readily accessible to you. Navigate to the nutrition page to gain insights into their 8-week average. Each data point on the graph signifies the weekly average, providing you with a comprehensive overview of their dietary trends.

Below this, the calendar will show you the calorie amounts for each day. Click the day to get a more in-depth view of what they have eaten.

page containing a clients nutrition information
Day Overview
When you click on a certain day, you will see a breakdown of what they have eaten. At the top of the page, you will see the macros. Information about micro-nutrients can be found on the right hand side by pressing the "Click To Show" button. Below this, you will find a breakdown of each meal of the day.
Chart of macros for the day