Recurring Appointments

A recurring appointment you book which will occor numerous times. You can set the amount of times for it to reoccur and the time gap in between each appointment. They can be created with or without a template and can also be added to a one-off appointment after it has been created.

Creating Recurring Appointments
Whether you're creating a template, booking an appointment or editing an appointment, adding a recurring status is the same.

To add recurring to you appointment, first the "Make it recurring?" option must be "yes". The next input is for the timeframe between each appointment. You must enter a number and the time reference here. For example, if you wanted an appointment weekly, you would type "1" and then select the "weeks" option next to it. The "repeat" option is for how many times you want the event to recur. For example, if you want the weekly appointment to run for 12 weeks, you would input "12" here.

When you book an appointment with this example recurring status, it will book an appointment every week from the day you book it for 12 weeks.