Client Comments

The comments page can be used to save snippets of information about your client overtime. It is similar to the notes section in the Client Profile but comments are timestamped and saved individually whereas the notes are not timestamped and will all be saved together which is useful for short term notes but not long term ones.

Accessing a Profile
Pressing the button highlighted in the image above will take you to the client profile page.
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Adding a New Comment
Press this button to open the pop-up to add a new comment.
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This is the pop-up where you can add your new comment. You can type as much as you want in this box, there is currently no character or word limit. Once you press the "Save Comment" button, the comment will have a timestamp automatically added based on the preference you have set in your Account Settings.
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Comment Display & Deleting
Once you have added the comment, this is how they are displayed.The display may change slightly depending on screens size. On smaller screens, there will be 1 per row and on larger devices, there will be 2. Each comment with have the edit and delete buttons allopwing you to interact with them once you have added one. The edit button will bring up a similar pop-up to the "Add Comment" but it will already have your comment in the input box ready for you to adjust.

The delete button will show a confirmation pop-up and then if conformed, will delete the comment. The edit and delete features are not reversible.
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