Creating a New Subscription

Creating invoices and subscriptions is made easy for you. All you need to do is search for the client and the product and your already half way there.

Adding Client and Product
See the image below which shows how you create the subscription. You must add both a client and one product. Unlike with the invoices, you cannot add multiple items to a subscription.
Create invoice page
Once you have added your client and product with a subscription pricing plan, you will be sent to a page like the one below. On the left of the page is all the details about the client which will be pre-filled. You can change the email but this will result ibn the subscription being sent to a different email.

OPn the right is the information about the subscription. Most of the details cannot be adjusted, but you can set an end date of the subscription which is highlighted below. This cannot be added later on and must instead be manually cancelled.

Press the "Send Subscription" button at the bottom of the page and your subscription will be sent to your client. Find out more about how subscriptions work here.
Create subscription page